


常见问题- 2022/23学年

什么是1:1 iPad Initiative?

1:1是在Tishomingo县学区实施的一个项目. K-12年级的学生将获得一台iPad在学校使用. TCSD recognizes that access to technology in school gives students greater opportunities to learn, 参与, 沟通和发展技能,为他们的工作做好准备, 生活和公民身份. 我们致力于帮助学生发展先进的技术和沟通技巧. 


是的,有20美元.5至12年级每位学生每年缴交00元不可退还的科技费. 此费用不包括第一次损坏事件. 第一次事故发生后,将支付50美元的损失费. K-4年级的学生不会把电子设备带回家. 


每一个k - 12th 年级学生将被要求主动参与. 没有学校发放的设备,课堂作业无法完成. 


在学校给学生发iPad的年级, 学生将不允许使用他们的个人设备代替学区的iPad. The goal of the 1:1 initiative is to provide every student with the same device with the same programs and safeguards/filters in place. 该地区无法在个人设备上提供支持或安装软件. Therefore, the use of personal devices is not a viable alternative to a district-provided device. 这项倡议完全是关于教与学的. 


学生将负责让别人把他们的设备带到学校. 再犯者将受到学校纪律处分.


学生们有责任确保他们每晚都给自己的设备充电. 学生 may have their own small portable charging device or a backup charger with them at school. 再犯者将受到学校纪律处分.


是的, a student may bring a small personal portable charging device and utilize it during instructional time.


不会,惩教署会继续提供校园内外的互联网过滤服务. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires our network to be restricted of online content. 没有任何过滤器可以保证在任何时候提供100%的安全. 教科署尽最大努力确保学生不接触不良内容.


学生 in grades K-6 have 谷歌的教室 and students in grades 7-12 have CANVAS (Learning Management System) accounts provided by TCSD. 


如果设备被盗,家长/监护人应该 立即 通知学校行政部门. 当时, the user or the parent/guardian will be required to file a police report through campus police. 一旦警方提交了报告, 该地区, 与当地执法机构合作, 可以部署定位软件,以帮助当局在可能的情况下恢复设备. 它是 必要的 设备丢失或被盗的报告 立即. If the stolen device is not reported within three calendar days to a district school administrator, 家长/监护人将负责全额更换费用. 设备损坏, 由于不负责任的行为而丢失或被盗的物品, 学生或家长须承担全部更换费用.

如果iPad丢失或被盗, 更换iPad的用户需要支付50美元的费用. 如果设备损坏,第一次索赔包括在内. 除非损坏/丢失是故意的,否则第一次修理后的每次修理将收取50美元的费用. If determined to be intentional, repair/replacement will be the actual cost to replace the device. 

学生 or employees who leave 该地区 during the school year must return all devices and additional accessories to the school administrator. 如果设备不归还,将向当地政府提出指控.



是的, as long as they meet the guidelines set forth in the Internet/技术 可接受使用政策 and the 技术 and 指令 / Electronic Information 资源 Policy.


是的, but can only use a removable vinyl sticker that is appropriate in a public education setting. 使用的物品必须易于拆卸,不得留下任何使用过的迹象. 箱子上不应书写或标记.


不,把iPad放在学区发给的批准套筒和保护套里. 如果不遵守,可能会受到纪律处分.


在某种程度上,如果设备存储空间允许,文件将备份到学生ipad上. Users are responsible for keeping their iPad storage cleared so that backups of important data can occur. 如果设备需要维修,可能需要将其重置为原始设置. The technology department will not be responsible for any user data that might be lost as a part of this process. 学生 are encouraged to backup notes and important information into their school Google Drive.


所有地区用户都提供了笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, or other personal computing devices will comply at all times with the 蒂什明戈县学区 (TCSD) 学校董事会 policies. Any failure to comply may result in termination of user rights of possession effective 立即 and the 区 may repossess the device. 任何丢失,被盗或损坏的设备必须报告给学校当局 立即除了, annual fees and damage fees that go unpaid will follow the student each year until Paid in Full. Seniors must clear all records and pay all fees before they will be allowed to participate in commencement exercises.


该地区在任何时候都拥有该财产的合法所有权. The user’s right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with this agreement and all 区 policies and procedures.


If the user does not fully comply with all terms of this Agreement and the TCSD 学校董事会 policies, 包括及时归还财产, TCSD shall be entitled to declare the user in default and come to the user’s place of residence, 或该物业的其他位置, 占有:占有财产.


Failure to timely return the property and the continued use of it for non-school purposes without the 区’s consent may be considered unlawful appropriation of the 区’s property.


  • iPad 10.2英寸第8代(仅限Wi-Fi)

  • MYL92LL/A iPad Wi-Fi 32GB空间灰色
  • 模型A2270

-, -

  • 罗技坚固组合与键盘
  • 高x宽x深:44英寸x 0.94英寸x 10英寸.24 in
  • 重量:21.23 oz


  • iPad 10.2英寸第9代(仅限Wi-Fi)
  • MYL92LL/A iPad Wi-Fi 64GB空间灰色
  • 模型A2270

       -, -

  • 罗技坚固组合与键盘
  • 高x宽x深:44英寸x 0.94英寸x 10英寸.24 in
  • 重量:21.23 oz

Logitech worked with Apple to design the Rugged Combo to be incredibly durable and protect iPad while bringing a secure keyboard connection that’s approved for testing, so teachers and students can focus on expanding what’s possible inside the classroom and beyond.

The Rugged Case’s frame is lined with soft polymer ribs that flex on impact to protect iPad from drops as high as six feet onto surfaces as hard as concrete. 反冲支架有坚固的机械铰链,可以在40度范围内自由移动, 同时牢牢地呆在原地, 没有崩溃, 即使是猛烈的敲打. 

键盘通过罗技的专有连接器与iPad物理连接, 使其成九号彩票app测试和考试的安全解决方案. 键盘的电源也直接来自iPad, 所以老师和学生永远不用给键盘充电. 键盘的设计利用罗技的广泛的专业知识,提供类似笔记本电脑, 打字舒适,尽量减少错误.


  • 将设备保存在地区颁发的批准盒中. Do not remove the device for any reason—device screens can be easily broken if forced out of the cases incorrectly.
  • 请保持设备和外壳无任何书写, 画, 或未经本署申请或批准的标签.
  • 在平坦、稳定的表面上使用设备.
  • 不要通过键盘拿起设备.
  • 不要把书放在设备上.
  • 设备周围没有食物或饮料.
  • 用干净、干燥的软布擦拭表面.
  • 避免用钢笔或铅笔触摸屏幕.
  • Do not leave the device exposed to direct sunlight or near any heat or moisture sources for extended periods of time. 不要把你的设备放在车里.
  • 不要让设备无人看管.


  • 将设备装入其保护盒中运输.
  • 不要将设备长时间留在车内或过夜.
  • 如果将设备放在车内,请不要将其放在可见的地方.


  • 它是 the user’s responsibility to recharge the device’s battery so it is fully charged by the start of each school day.
  • 根据老师的判断,允许在教室内使用充电设备.
  • All class work missed because of uncharged batteries must be made up on a student’s own time if allowed by the teacher.
  • 学生 may also bring a teacher-approved small portable charging device to assist with charging during school hours.
  • 学生可以在学校商店购买额外的充电设备.


  • 不要让设备无人看管 in an unlocked classroom or during an extracurricular activity.
  • 不要把设备借给同学、朋友或家人. 如果有人损坏设备, it will be the user’s (parent/guardian in the case of a student) responsibility and the damage cost policy will be in effect.
  • 任何试图“越狱”或删除TCSD档案的行为都可能导致纪律处分, 包括悬架.
  • 学生 are responsible for the safety and security of the device and any activity on the device.


每所学校将有一个指定的技术支持人员. Teachers and staff will be the only individuals to submit TCSD technology work orders or call the TCSD 技术 Help Desk. 学生将联系他们的老师作为第一级支持. 如果学生需要额外的帮助, 他们将拜访学校指定的技术支持人员. An authorized individual will contact the technology department for additional assistance as needed.


   全额费用支付:  $20.00 



                        $10.00 (两笔付款中的第一笔 – 在iPad发行前到期)



$10 must be paid on the first day of each month, until the amount of the cost is paid in full. 


学生将被允许从App Portal下载所提供的批准课程/应用程序. 学生将无法访问App Store.


如果学生不遵守课堂要求, 指令, iPad的指导方针, 等, 学生可能会失去使用额外访问“有趣”应用程序的特权.


这可能导致刑事起诉, 拿着成绩单, 拒绝参加毕业典礼, 拒绝学校提供奖学金, 等.